Comparing AFib Treatment Options

How is AFib treated? Which AFib treatment option is best for me?

Everyone’s AFib experience is unique.

AFib Medication Icon - AFib Treatment Options


Most people with AFib are first put on medications to restore their heart rhythm, manage the symptoms of AFib, and minimize their risk of stroke.

Common medications (rate control therapies) include: beta blockers or non-dihydropyridine calcium channel antagonists, digitalis glycosides, amiodarone or digoxin.1

Medications may cause unwanted side effects and may not work for everyone.

AFib Cardioversion Icon - AFib Treatment Options


Cardioversion is a controlled low-dose electric shock your doctor delivers to your heart to restore its natural rhythm. Your electrophysiologist may suggest this as an additional treatment to combine with your medications.

Cardioversion is usually not a permanent fix.

AFib Cardiac Catheter Ablation Icon - AFib Treatment Options

Cardiac Catheter Ablation

Catheter ablation is a minimally invasive procedure performed by heart rhythm specialists (electrophysiologists) with benefits including improvement in quality of life, permanent symptom relief and elimination of the long-term risk of stroke and death normally associated with AFib.*

Patients receiving catheter ablation have been shown to be up to 73% more likely to be symptom-free at 4 years when compared to patients receiving drug therapy.

*Data is based on physician guidance documents and patient study <1000 patients treated with catheter ablation.


Atrial Fibrillation: Why should I consider Cardiac Catheter Ablation?

Cardiac Catheter Ablation’s Benefits and Impact on Patients

Catheter ablation is highly effective at managing the burdensome physical and mental symptoms of AFib.13

Infographic – Up to 46% reduction in  pain/discomfort. See footnote.
Infographic – Up to 51% decrease in reported symptoms. See footnote.
Infographic – Up to 42% improvement in pain/discomfort. See footnote.

*Based on % of patients reporting problems using the EQ-5D-5L. The EQ-5D-5L is a self-assessed, health related, quality of life questionnaire. The scale measures quality of life on a 5-component scale including mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression.

**Based on Atrial Fibrillation Effect on Quality of Life (AFEQT) survey score.


Appointment Icon - AFib Treatment Options

Understanding EP: Specialized AFib Care

What are Cardiac Electrophysiologists?

A cardiac electrophysiologist (EP) is a specialized cardiologist that completes an additional 2 years of training beyond that required for board certification in cardiology.16

An electrophysiologist has the specialized education and experience needed to do advanced cardiac-related procedures to treat conditions such as atrial fibrillation, such as cardiac catheter ablation.

Electrophysiologist Icon - AFib Treatment Options

Innovative AFib Treatment with AFib Specialists

When should I see a Cardiac Electrophysiologist?

If left untreated, AFib can lead to other conditions including heart failure, stroke and death. AFib becomes harder to treat as symptoms become more severe.

Your primary care doctor or cardiologist may refer you to a cardiac electrophysiologist if they believe you have an electrical problem with your heart.

Don’t wait to treat your AFib. A cardiac electrophysiologist can determine if cardiac catheter ablation is right for you.17

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